How to Navigate Eating Out with Histamine Intolerance

Dining out is a fun and enjoyable experience for most people, but it can be challenging for those with histamine intolerance. With many restaurant dishes containing high-histamine ingredients, it can be tough to navigate the menu and find something safe to eat. However, there are ways to make dining out with histamine intolerance easier and more enjoyable. In this post, we will share some helpful tips and resources to help you navigate dining out with histamine intolerance.

Tips for dining out with histamine intolerance:

1. Research the restaurant beforehand: 

Look up the restaurant’s menu online to see if they have any low-histamine options available. You can also call ahead and ask if they can accommodate your dietary needs.

2. Speak to the waiter or chef: 

Once you arrive at the restaurant, let the waiter or chef know that you have histamine intolerance and ask if they can suggest any low-histamine options. You can also ask if they can make any modifications to the dishes to make them low-histamine.

3. Avoid certain foods: 

Some foods are higher in histamines than others. Avoiding aged or fermented foods, processed meats, and certain dairy products can help reduce histamine levels in your meal.

4. Bring your own low-histamine snacks: 

In case you don’t find anything on the menu that suits your dietary needs, bring your own low-histamine snacks like fresh fruit, vegetables, and nuts.

5. Choose simple dishes: 

The simpler the dish, the less likely it is to contain high-histamine ingredients. Choosing simple dishes like grilled fish or chicken with a side of vegetables can be a safe option.

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Resources for dining out with histamine intolerance:

1. Histamine Intolerance Awareness website: 

This website has a list of low-histamine foods, a restaurant guide, and a forum where you can connect with others with histamine intolerance.

2. The Spoonful app: 

This app allows you to search for restaurants based on your dietary restrictions, including histamine intolerance.

3. Allergy Eats website: 

This website has a database of allergy-friendly restaurants, including those with low-histamine options.


Dining out with histamine intolerance can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. By doing some research, communicating with the restaurant staff, and following the tips we’ve shared, you can enjoy a meal out with friends and family. Remember to bring your own low-histamine snacks, avoid certain foods, and choose simple dishes. 


With the help of the resources we’ve provided, you can navigate dining out with histamine intolerance with ease.